不実な世界 / Unrealistic World

2023.12.23 – 2024.1.14 Another Project Tokyo

photo by CUI HANGYU
text by Melody Yang (湖北美術学院 講師 / Lecturer, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts) : Japanese/English/Chinese

そこの火事 / Fire there

2022.11.21 – 12.9 武蔵野美術大学 gFAL / Musashino Art University gFAL

photo by Ujin Matsuo
text by Takanobu Kobayashi (Professor, Musashino Art University) : Japanese


2022.3.18 – 3.31 神奈川県立相模湖交流センター / Kanagawa Prefectural Lake Sagami-ko Community Center

photo by Ujin Matsuo
interview : https://gendai-art.org/interviews/artists_moekokageyama_2/

よそのうち / Inside Someone’s House

2021.2.9 – 3.6 MARUEIDO JAPAN

photo by Ken Kato
text by Eriko Kimura (curator, Yokohama Museum of Art) : Japanese / English
exhibition website : Japanese / English


2020.7.18 – 8.1 MARUEIDO JAPAN

photo by Ken Kato
exhibition website : http://marueidojapan.com/info/exhibition/moeko-kageyama-2014-2019/
interview : https://gendai-art.org/interviews/artists_moekokageyama/

世界 / World

2019.1.17 – 1.19 武蔵野美術大学 鷹の台キャンパス / Musashino Art University

photo by Ken Kato (1-3) / Moeko Kageyama (4-11)

モニュメンタル・パーク / Monumental Park

2018.4.19 – 4.24 コート・ギャラリー国立 / Court Gallery KUNITACHI

video : https://youtu.be/aPVDwBFkbuY